When you want to protect your home from termites, a common question is “What’s the best termite treatment?” (Admittedly some also ask, “What’s the cheapest termite treatment?” But when it comes to protecting your most valuable asset, most homeowners want the best). Unfortunately the answer is not so straightforward… it depends… It depends on whether […]
Category: Termites
Are all termite treatments the same?
Not all termite treatments are the same. Product performance is not just about the insecticide but the whole formulation. Learn more…
How do termite baits work?
Termite baits are the environmentally smart way to kill termites and protect your home. But how do they actually work? Here’s all you need to know…
Pest Inspections – Should you buy a home with termite damage?
If your building and pest inspection finds termites or termite damage should you pull out of the sale? With a bit of knowledge it could be the chance to get a bargain!
Beware of the ‘free’ termite check
We’re all on the look out for a bargain, but ‘free termite checks’ could end up costing you hundreds of thousands of dollars in the long run. Used as a marketing ploy, a free termite check is often a gimmick offered by some pest control companies that just want to gain your business and take […]